the dill pickle food co-op


Introducing: Dill Pickle Food Co-Op, by Alisa Baum, AREA Chicago

When you talk to Dill Pickle Food Co-op (dpfc) instigator Kathleen Duffy, it's easy to see how her dreams of a neighborhood source for organic food turned into the little idea that could. With one email asking a few friends what they thought about starting a food co-op, Kathleen publicly asked the question that many had only thought to themselves. Now, plans are in the works to bring fresh, organic food to the residents of a few grocery-impaired neighborhoods on the northwest side of Chicago. Read More...

Virtual Chicago, by Keidra Chaney, Third Coast Press

Ask any activist who has ever attempted to organize an event through an e-mail discussion list or bulletin board if grassroots online organizing is difficult, and you'll likely get a resounding "yes." Trying to move individuals from virtual participation to real-life action is no easy task, so the burgeoning success story of Dill Pickle Food Co-op is one worth taking notes on. Read More...

Healthy food not easy for everyone to obtain, by Becky Schlikerman, Creating Community Connections

In today's world of gleaming supermarkets with brimming shelves and neatly stacked produce, some people - around the country and in Chicago - still don't have access to healthy food. Read More...